In Choi

Professor Emeritus

Department of Economics

Sogang University

Seoul, Korea


In Choi was born and raised in Seoul, Korea. He obtained his B.A. in economics from Seoul National University in 1981 and his Ph.D. in economics from Yale University in 1990. After graduating from college, he served as a supply officer in the Korean Navy for three years. He is now Professor Emeritus at Sogang University in Seoul, Korea. Before this position, he was on the Ohio State University, Kookmin University, and the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology faculty. He also taught as a visiting scholar at Yale, University of Southern California, Hitotsubashi University, and the University of Bonn. His research focus has been on time series and panel data analysis, and he has published numerous articles in leading journals in economics and statistics. He also wrote the book “Almost all about unit roots: foundations, developments and applications” (2015, Cambridge University Press). He is a Fellow of the Journal of Econometrics and received Multa Scripsit Award and Plura Scripsit Award from Econometric Theory, one of the leading journals in economics and statistics, Chongram Award from the Korean Economic Association, Dasan Economics Award from the Korea Economic Daily and Vice Prime Minister of Education's Award for Excellence in Research

Curriculum Vitae

In Choi's CV 

Recent Books

Population crisis, will there be tomorrow? Edited by In Choi and Kyung-won Na, Pakyoungsa, 2024.  (인구위기 , 내일은 없어지나?  나경원, 최인 편집, 박영사 간, 2024. )

Newspaper columns

 US Inflation will be normalized soon. (미국인플레 정상화 머지 않았다 ) 

Labor market flexibility should be enhanced. (노동시장 유연성을 더 높여야 하는 이유 ) 

Policy on college tuition is ruining the future. (대학등록금 정책이 미래를 망치고 있다) 

GDP 10 years later: A dismal prospect and countermeasures (10년 후 GDP: 우울한 전망과 대응책

Discerning populism policies (포퓰리즘 정책 감별법 ) 

We need serious discussions on allowing immigrants (이민 수용, 본격적 논의가 필요하다 )

Is the Japanese economy being revived? (일본경제, 부활 중인가?)

Why are exchange rate forecasts inaccurate? (환율 예측이 늘 빗나가는 까닭)

Short-sales are prohibited too frequently in Korea (공매도가 자주 금지되는 한국시장)

Reasons for being optimistic about the Korean economy (한국경제 미래를 낙관하는 이유)

Comparing the Korean and Japanese policies for the stock market (비교되는 한일의 주식시장 개선 정책)

A pitfall of the campaign promises to improve low fertility rates (저출생 극복 공약의 함정)

Stupid, it was the economy this time again (바보야, 이번에도 문제는 경제였어)  

The Korean estate tax law should be amended. (고칠곳 투성이 상속세

There is no need for all the hype surrounding basic income.  (뜬금없는 기본 소득 소동

Decide the optimal number of doctors based on scientific research (의사 수 문제, 페이퍼 갖고 논쟁해야